Helping an alcoholic is not a walk in the park. Alcoholics will often hide the number of drinks they consume and the frequency. They are always in denial and may lie to others about their consumption. This makes it hard for loved ones to help them with seeking treatment.

To help a loved one fight alcoholism, one must have a better understanding of this disorder. They must know the various stages of addiction development, how to diagnose it and what type of treatment is most appropriate.

By understanding the above elements, it increases the chances of long-term sobriety if they are admitted to a luxury alcohol rehab.

Stages of alcohol development

Alcoholism is a disorder that needs to be treated by health professionals.It is also comprised of various stages that are characterized by different changes in physical, social, and mental well-being.

Not everyone goes through all these stages. However, understanding these stages is critical in assessing how far the addiction has gone and is important in preventing further problems.

  • Pre-alcoholic: A pre-alcoholic is a person who is still experimenting with alcohol. It is at this stage that they develop more alcohol tolerance as they up their alcohol intake. They use alcohol to cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotions.
  • Early-stage alcoholic:At this stage, alcoholics develop a more regular drinking schedule. They begin to use parties and other social gatherings as an excuse to have a drink. Additionally, they may start taking more alcohol to deal with the negative consequences of drinking like a hangover. At this stage, they are more likely to experience more frequent blackouts.
  • Middle-stage alcoholic: The middle stage is where a person adopts a more frequent and consistent drinking pattern. It is also where alcoholics start having strained relationships with their family and friends. Also, addicts start experiencing mood swings, hangovers, and other bodily discomforts when they do not drink.
  • Late-stage alcoholic: This is the final stage of alcoholism. Alcoholics at this stage must drink. They have no control over their drinking and need alcohol to go about their day-to-day business. Lack of alcohol triggers withdrawal symptoms as well as intense cravings.

When to seek treatment

With alcoholism, the earlier the phoenix drug treatment starts, the better the chances of long-term sobriety.

Additionally, people should note that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ treatment for alcoholism. Every alcoholic should have a treatment that is customized to their specific situation.

Alcohol treatment mostly involves going through a rehabilitation program that aims to understand the root cause of the illness. Medication is also given to ease withdrawal symptoms. After rehabilitation, long-term aftercare is recommended to ensure recovering addicts do not relapse and maintain sobriety.

Rehabilitation centers also put the effort into treating any mental disorders and underlying issues the addict might be suffering from. Many addicts carry feelings of resentment and anger. As such,Arizona drug rehab center gets them to talk about their inner feelings and look for appropriate ways to address them.

If you have a loved one that is suffering from alcoholism, there is hope. With the above information, you have a clearer understanding of what you might be dealing with.