On the net, you regularly come across training methods and programs that require you to increase the amount of your workouts in order to gain muscle mass, increase your strength and endurance and burn fat. However, often increasing the amount of exercise leads to an increase in the length of training. The problem is that not every weight loss fan has time for long sessions in the gym. Plus, a 2 or 3 hour workout is not optimal for anabolic and catabolic balance.
We want to help solve this problem by telling you how to increase the volume of workouts without affecting their duration. We believe that our recommendations will be useful not only for beginner athletes, since increasing training volume is one of the factors for quality progress in bodybuilding – improving performance indicators without stressing the body.
Techniques to increase the volume of training without increasing their duration
In the first place, the athlete must take care to optimize their own workout. What do we mean? All frankly disturbing and simply distracting moments need to be ruled out, whether it’s talking to “fitness colleagues”, queuing up to the toilet, or taking selfies to post on Instagram. Be sure to pay attention to this by trying to spend less time on different distracting elements and focus more on the exercises themselves.
But let’s get there. Secondly, we describe 3 popular and working methods for how to increase your workout volume without increasing the length of the workout itself. The first way is the easiest. As many have already figured out, to increase your workout volume without changing the duration of your workout, you can reduce the rest period between workouts and exercise and then add a new workout. For example, if your regular workout lasts about 60 minutes and you rest 3 minutes between exercises after reducing the rest period to 2 minutes, you will have extra time that can be used to perform one or even more series or exercises. (or extra reps / that is, more numbers from existing exercises).
However, there are some nuances here, in particular the intensity of training would increase with its volume. Not everyone agrees with this option.
The second method is analogous to the first. You can reduce the break time between workouts and exercises, but not add extra workload. Your task will be to handle the planned workout in a minimum amount of time. So if your normal workout lasts for 60 minutes, you should try to complete it in 55, 50, 45 minutes or 40 minutes from now on. In this case, the focus is specifically on increasing intensity.
It is not necessary to resort to extremes. You can gradually increase the intensity of your workout. For example, first reduce the rest time from 3 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and after each new workout, reduce it by another 5 – 10 seconds, until you rest as much as you think is correct (at least 30 – 60 seconds).
This method has the greatest advantage in losing weight, as it allows you to speed up your metabolism (metabolism) and influence fat burning processes. And its disadvantages are the same as in the first variant.
. The third method is the most difficult one. Its essence lies in the workload of muscle antagonists, rather than resting after basic exercises. In other words, you have to perform so-called combined series. In theory and practice, they allow you to clearly increase the volume of training, but this task is not easy. Not every seasoned athlete can handle a series of antagonistic exercises, let alone beginners in the gym.
If you want examples of combined exercises, these are lifting the bar from the bench and pulling the bar down or lifting the bar with biceps on the French bench.
Of course, there are other ways to increase the volume of workouts without increasing their duration. But the 3 options described above seem to us to be most interesting in terms of efficiency as well as the diversity of the training process.
Benefits of increasing the volume of training
The first and main advantage will be to maintain (as in the first and third variant) or to reduce (as in the second variant) the length of training. For many, this is a key factor because we are all busy people. We have our own families, jobs and interests other than bodybuilding that take a long time.
The second plus will be the opportunity for high-quality and relatively safe advances in muscle growth, fat burning, strength and endurance. At least high volume and high intensity workouts have a positive effect on metabolism (metabolism).
Obviously, if you want to increase the volume of your workout, you do not need to increase the length of sessions in the gym. The choice of a specific method to achieve this depends directly on the athlete. Moreover, the key role is played not so much by the wishes and preferences, but by the level of experience and physical fitness of the trainer. It is unlikely that a beginner will be able to quickly reduce the rest time recommended in the first and second variant.
In conclusion
Improving the effectiveness of workouts and, as a result, improving the quality of bodybuilding results is possible not only by optimizing the workout, but also by sports nutrition or doping drugs. In our online store you will find working and original steroids, as well as sports stimulants, peptides for sale and fat burners that stimulate muscle buildup, increase strength and increase muscle endurance or fat burning. Pharmagear.cc has been on the pharmaceutical market for over 6 years. In recent years, we have successfully completed over 5,000 orders from over 8,000 sports enthusiasts and professionals. We guarantee high quality customer service and provide favorable conditions, which can be confirmed by positive feedback from the site itself or by various thematic resources.
We wish you a positive shopping and a productive workout!